Saturday, December 26, 2009

Our Honeymoon, Day 8... ORLANDO, FLORIDA

We drove to ORLANDO today. It took almost 7 hours by the time we got through Orlando traffic. Good grief it was ridiculous! When we finally got here, Austin ran into the hotel to check us in to our room and ended up getting us upgraded to an executive suite because the lady found out it was our honeymoon! OH HALLELUJAH!!! Wow we are high flying it!!! Like we really need 16 seats?!?!?! And a King Size bed that falls out of the wall?!?!? But hey it is SWEET!!! We decided at the last minute to go to Medieval Times. The food was awesome and the entertainment was just as good. It was a perfect beginning of our stay in Orlando. Disneyworld tomorrow! :)


Sheramy said...

high 5 for the upgrade.. that is always a sweet thing!!! Chan your hair looks adorable!! miss ya'll!!!